05 May 2007

Day 11 of 365 Pow Wow May 5 2007

Gratitude today: I am grateful for the beautiful weather and to this gentleman and a few others for letting me take thier photos. I am grateful to have the chance to observe the beautiful dancing today and for all of the nice people we met. I look forward to my next pow wow.

This gentleman was very gracious to let me photograph him. I am in need of much practice photographing people - but I was inspired by this excellent photographer whose work I saw at the Brookside art fair last night. I never get the lighting or setting right with people - becuase I feel so shy about the whole business.

It was quite warm today - and we were outside all afternoon so I am quite tired. I can only imagine all of the dancers in full regalia must be so tired and hot. I really enjoyed seeing the dances though.

04 May 2007

day 10 beautiful

day 10 beautiful
Originally uploaded by GButterfly.
my photo for today. Today I am grateful for sunshing a day off time to visit with my grandparents and my mom. I am grateful that my grandpa is walking more than he was. I am gratefult that both these lovely fluttery butterflies and katie were both willing to pose for me today. and of course for my sweetie.

03 May 2007

DAy 9 THURSDAY May 3 orange pods

Today's photo. Taken between work and a discussion at church about "living simply, responsible consumerism &the like. More about that later. It partnered with a several themes that have beeen on my mind latel - budgeting and managing on less for an important goal (for us funding an adoption), then there is this other idea about in addition to purchasing less, purchasing more responsibly i.e. looking at hte imprint of what we purchase on the world beyond us. In church we have been talking about avoiding buying things made with slave labor - which is certainly both important and diffiicult to do in today's society. The other thing I have been thinking about is the whole environmental impact. NPR is doing a yearlong series on global warming - and it has me, and I hope others thinking a lot more about this fast approching problem. It is a problem that no one who really pays attention to teh changes that occur in climate can ignore or deny anymore. So related to this, they have talked recently about the concept in england about food miles and minimizing your carbon imprint. This partners some with what the speaker last night who is a buyer from whole foods was discussing, that we are so far removed from doing anything for ourselves and most of our food is shipped from miles away (florida, california, sometimes mexico & beyond) Take avacados I love avacados - and olives. And there are definitely healht reasons for eating these foods over other fats. But what about the rest of your food budget? I do feel good that at least buying at the local farmer's market not only do we save money - but we also can reduce the food miles in our family's weekly menu. Also, gardening - we only have a small garden becuase we have a small yard and little time - but some day I hope to have more land and larger garden. There is nothins so satisfying as hoeing the land - except maybe tasting the first of anything that you have planted for the year - first strawberry, first pea, first spinach - and later in the year first tomato. mmmmm

02 May 2007

Day 8 Wed May 2 tree reflection On workdays my world is very small

Today I visited grandparents briefly before work - it's nice to have time to do that - even if only for an hour or so. Wednesdays I go in at 1 so I can visit or do chores and such in the morning. While I don't like having a different schedule or working late -the Wednesday mornings will be missed when I go to days.

I heard an interview with Ann Quindln on the radio this morning - I really am ashamed that I have not read any of her books - I must remedy that when I finish my 2 main knitting projects. She was giving a talk at a local church tonight -I wish I could have gone. I'm definitely putting her on my summer reading list.

Ok I just relaized htat (1) this is posting really small - you can make the photo out much better on flickr. & (2) the comments I've written under my photo don't post - which mean my gratitudes don't show up. So -starting today I'll remedy that.

"GRATITUDE: I'm grateful I could help hubby with something tonight as he does so much for me. AND I'm grateful for the feel of the weather today.
I love the feel and smell right after a late afternoon rain. It's not muggy like a daytime rain -its cool and the breeze lifts the scent and feel of water to my skin in a gentle carress, carrying me elsewhere for a few short moments, reminding me how an evening by the sea would feel. Thank you for the cool treat, summer rain!"

01 May 2007

red butterfly girl uploaded on day 7

I wasn't doing a photo a day when I took this photo - but I just uploaded it to my computer so that should count. I love these window displays and usually I'm not all that impressed with anything on the plaza - but of course - hard to resist a good butterfly isn't it.

Day 7 May 1 tuesday daily photo Katie climbing

Day 7 May 1. It was late in the day i was tired and she was about to jump down so it's all out of focus. this is my cute neighbor. she loves to have her picture taken so i should have just asked her to pose again.

30 April 2007

day 6 monday 4_30 SQARING A CIRCLE because there is little else to shoot

Day 6 4/30/07mondays are hard - being limited in my time off to wantder - I stuck with my own yard. The important thing is that I take a picture every day and recognize something for which I feel gratitude every day. today I am grateful for the sun shining on my shoulders and I am grateful that i have a yard

29 April 2007

day 5 4_29 sunday flox moth

day 5 4_29 sunday flox moth
Originally uploaded by GButterfly.
day 5 sunday april 29. we went to church. we planted tomatoes and such. we visited with friends. it was a full lovely day.

Daily Examen - things to consider each day

1. Express Gratitude 2. Petition for light (see self & ohters in God's eyes, ask to see the role only I can play) 3. Review the day: look at day's actions, omissions, thoughts & desires what does this tell me aobut myself in relation to self, others, God, the world 4. Lift out something & ask for help 5. look ahead - how do I want to carry on (today - the rest of my life what / who do I want to be master of my life? what are my core values? )