15 September 2007

sat sept 8 belly costume 3942

sat sept 8 belly costume 3942
Originally uploaded by GButterfly
oh to have such a slender youthful figure that you can actually drape a swath of shiny white fabric across your hips and have it look so fabulous....

sept 8 kinetic DSC_3969

sept 8 kinetic DSC_3969
Originally uploaded by GButterfly
on the plaza they did this thing called fire water or water fire...soemthing - we missed the lighting ceremony -but went down for a bit while the fires were stll lit. in brush creek some ironworkers buitl metal pyres to hold little fires. they added wood and lighter fluid, can of course a match or something...anyhow it was pretty -and there was good music and a few people in costumes wandering about as entertainment. i wish there were somethig like this going on every weekend - it made for a sort of carnival like atmosphere as much as you can get that on the plaza. (minus the rides sadly - when will I ever stumble across a nice ferris wheel?)

sept 7 friday kinetic abstract

wes worked friday night -so after he went to work I napped a bit - then frantically went in search of a photo before midnight.....I remembered the fountain on metcalf and a wonderous thing it had lights - so I decided to play just a little bit. here is one of the results.

sept 6 ghost runner leaving footprints of light

i love it when hubby and i have time to play like this. I really want to do more experiments with light and long exposures like this.....I'm grateful that he is intersted in taking the time to do things like this with me...

sept 5 window to my childhood words 2 copy

teh lines under the photo say it all....i miss the days of operation discovery - learning by doing - being in the smart class - time with friends during the school day - a girls club - hippy teachers with VW busses - and lots of field trips if memory serves me right.
what friends names do I remember from this school?
Michelle (she was in a different grade), Vanessa, Laura Shawnhorse, Susie, and Lana.....then I also remmber stephen spatz becuase when we were younger we rode in a carpool together - and also he was the only one younger than me in all oft he more advanced classes and sections....

sept 4 tues clothesline kinetic 3835

not every night can be itnersting....so this night I had nothing to do and decided why not try kinetic phtoos with something which does not give off its own light....I am not excited about the results - but it is what I have for my photo of the day....

sept 3 yellow flip

sept 3 yellow flip
Originally uploaded by GButterfly
this is a fn set up that I always forget about - these lovely dancing statues...the light was just right so having shot the statues themselves in the past I decided to go for the reflections this time...i think i will be back. this is the kauffman memorial garden just off brush creek

sept 2 joy of water

sept 2 joy of water
Originally uploaded by GButterfly
I went to the iris fest - I love festivals in particular I love the irish fest most of all. great music great wares and the food - not bad either. Now that I am eating meat I am able to enjoy the meat pies - and they are really quite good - they have inspired us to want to try makign something similar.....

sept 1 purple morning glory 3576

It seemed like a good idea to plant purple and blue morning glories along the fence when we moved in - and they are very pretty -also the butterfiles seem to love them - along with the milkweed which loves to intwine itself along side them. The down side is that they are very invasive they wind thier way around every plant and post - so I am forever pulling them out of roses and tomatoe plants...they almost strnagled out my lilac bush.....but again on the upside these delicate purple flowers are pretty.

Daily Examen - things to consider each day

1. Express Gratitude 2. Petition for light (see self & ohters in God's eyes, ask to see the role only I can play) 3. Review the day: look at day's actions, omissions, thoughts & desires what does this tell me aobut myself in relation to self, others, God, the world 4. Lift out something & ask for help 5. look ahead - how do I want to carry on (today - the rest of my life what / who do I want to be master of my life? what are my core values? )