01 September 2007

aug 31 light play030

aug 31 light play030
Originally uploaded by GButterfly
friday nights are "ordinary time" for my since hubby has started working weekend nights - but we were able to get dinner together before he went in and on my why home I spied a fountain that had some lights and decided this is an opportunity to play. I think I'll do more of these experiments in the future.

aug 30 005

aug 30 005
Originally uploaded by GButterfly
the moon was full tonight - I didn't carry the nikon so had to take this with my point and shoot. not so exciting just the photo of the day

aug 29 our lady of sorrows I can't believe I never noticed you...

we noticed this church while leaving the memorial. i can not belive I have never noticed this church before! It is really a pretty church

aug 29 LM sphynxDSC_3494

aug 29 LM sphynxDSC_3494
Originally uploaded by GButterfly

aug 27 dinnerDSC_3464

aug 27 dinnerDSC_3464
Originally uploaded by GButterfly
an ordinary day, but a home made mushroom pot pie for dinner

aug 26 ordinary doveDSC_3453

aug 26 ordinary doveDSC_3453
Originally uploaded by GButterfly

aug 25 angel angle

aug 25 angel angle
Originally uploaded by GButterfly
holy objects and clouds are my latest obsession

aug 24_25 forgot clock018

aug 24_25 forgot clock018
Originally uploaded by GButterfly
now i lay me down to sleep though i forgot to take a picture. for shame for shame. twas just an ordinary day

31 August 2007

aug 23 KC Zoo126

aug 23 KC Zoo126
Originally uploaded by GButterfly
remember the hungry hungry hippo game? this guy was a hot hot hippo. hardly would he come up from the bottom of his cement pond - but I was able to capture this brief showing. Such intersting creatures. They look like they would just be kind of dumb and happy, harmless like my husky - but I guess they attack people.

aug 22 cross cloudsDSC_2935

aug 22 cross cloudsDSC_2935
Originally uploaded by GButterfly
no zoo today - so we drove around looking for churches to pose against the clouds. how do you pose a church? very carefully ...most of them are quite large.

Daily Examen - things to consider each day

1. Express Gratitude 2. Petition for light (see self & ohters in God's eyes, ask to see the role only I can play) 3. Review the day: look at day's actions, omissions, thoughts & desires what does this tell me aobut myself in relation to self, others, God, the world 4. Lift out something & ask for help 5. look ahead - how do I want to carry on (today - the rest of my life what / who do I want to be master of my life? what are my core values? )