26 May 2007

Saturday May 26, 2007 (Day 32) Contrary llamma

Hubby wants to have llamma's I'm partial to alpaca's but really, I just hope some day a petting zoo fits into our lifestyle. These fiber artists who own llaamas were at the farmer's market today with 3 of thier llammas -they drew a crowd of interested bystanders - mostly kids -and us. We can be kids at heart sometimes I suppose......

I was reading an article in concieve and it was talking about nurturing your relationship during infertility treatment - it said some couples go a whole day without touching once. I can not imagine this in our house. My husband and I hold hands when we walk - we sit close when we can. That sounds like a sad day to go 24 hours without touching the person you love. I guess the point was intimacy outside of TTC - but to me that is a given - how would you make it through such a difficult struggle without the comfort and nurturing of your partner/spouse? I am grateful that is at lesat one thing I do not have to work at in my life - nurturing intimacy with my partner. Of course I would work at it if necessary - I'm just grateful I don't have to.

25 May 2007

Friday May 25 (day 31) Plaza Tower behind water

one of the photo groups had an assignment of posting a photo of a belltower or clocktower - so here is mine - the plaza belltower behind the fountain spray.

I had a long day friday - lately my hospital days have been longer and longer - I used to get off at 1 on fridays (I work a long day monday so i can do this)- but this week it wasn't until after 5:30. It was nice to relax and take a short walk with my sweet after. I think the playfullness of the water spray here is a good image for a friday night.

24 May 2007

Thursday, May 24 (Day 30)whatever sky shot

this is one of those shots taken because I've commited to take a photo every day for a year -and some days there is nothing photo worthy across my path. Some people would make a photo where there was none - but while I find the manufactured sceenes that others shoot intriguing it is just not my style. so...i guess we can expect more weather photos in the coming year at least until I can get a good image stabilization zoom macro lense to look at things from anther perspective

23 May 2007

Wednesday May 23 (Day 29) Hubby Graduates

horray! hubby completed nursing school and is moving on to start his new career in June. whew. I am so proud of him -nursing school is a lot of studying. A new phase of our lives - now if only i could work out the whole baby thing.

22 May 2007

Tuesday, May 22 (day 28) snake head

day 28 may 22
After work I was hoping to see the baby bluejay next door. The parents were squacking and raising a storm - so hubby climbed the fence to invesitage. He discovered this snake trying to eat the baby sparrows - so he moved it under our shed (to keep the mice away). He loves snakes and this was the first black snake of the year.
Maybe tomorrow I'll catch a glimpse of the baby jay - I'd better hurry as we noticed all of the baby birds seem to be hopping out of thier nests this week - taking first flight of the year.

21 May 2007

Monday, May 21 (day 27) poppy crop

Day 27 may 21 daily photo diary
just one poppy bloomed in my garden -I snapped a quick photo in the AM in case I couldn't find another shot AND in case the poppy wasn't there another day - and what do you know the next day the petals started to fall ...

20 May 2007

Sunday, May 20 evening fishing scenes -sunday night after work

evening fishing scenes
Originally uploaded by GButterfly.
day 26
We've recently discovered this wonderful little park nearby - it was there all along but I thought it was smaller and didn't realize it had so much to offer in the way of ponds and wildlife - I just thought it was the offic space for Parks and Rec with a small creek. well, I was so wrong -its a really nice place to take a walk and a few photos - talk to people or not, have lunch, feed the geese....
on this particular occasion I got off work on Sunday evening and needed a short walk with my sweetheart to unwind.

Sunday, May 20 (day 26) water movement DSC_0339

day 26 may 20 daily photo diary

For an ordinary day this image at least holds some interst - although nothing print worthy i suppose

Daily Examen - things to consider each day

1. Express Gratitude 2. Petition for light (see self & ohters in God's eyes, ask to see the role only I can play) 3. Review the day: look at day's actions, omissions, thoughts & desires what does this tell me aobut myself in relation to self, others, God, the world 4. Lift out something & ask for help 5. look ahead - how do I want to carry on (today - the rest of my life what / who do I want to be master of my life? what are my core values? )