11 August 2007

day 107 aug 10 fri NECTAR DIVING 050

i love the way this swallowtail is dive bombling the butterfly bush for nectar. i wanted to stay and get more photos becuase Im such a geek for this sort of thing - but some friends had called saying they were in town -so off we went to visit. hopefully my fluttery friend will return antoher day. if not, this week or next we plan to go to the powell gardens butterfly festival. hopes hopes, hopes....

day 106 aug 9 thursday dinner 11059

from the garden...except for the red onions - those are from teh market.

day 105 aug 8 wed white duck green pond smaller 11063

i love that sometimes in the middle of the week we can take even 30 minutes out to take a walk in loose park. it hadnt' been that way for along time. I still think it is so wonderful -= and the way it should be.

day 104 aug 7 ordinary Tues dog 11084

strider pouting becuase its hot

day 103 aug 6 Mon veggie bowl 11090

ordinary time - sort of how can you say it is ordinary really when you just picked more tomatoes thatn you should have a right to pick in one day along with some peppers and eggplants and you are about to make them dinner for yourself and your hubby....

day 102 5 August 2007 what happens when you dont look where you walk014

day 102 5 August 2007 heron takes off 053

this is at least my third attept to blog this no idea why it keeps failing ive enve deleted prvious entire s- i wonder if i reached the yearly limit or something....

08 August 2007

4 August 2007 blast off075

4 August 2007 blast off075
Originally uploaded by GButterfly
camera lens needs a cleaning

day 101 4 August 2007 macaw 066

day 100 3 August 2007 bug (caonnon)(2)

100 days straight of taking at least a photo every day

day 99 2 August 2007 movement cropl 092

day 98 1 August 2007 perfect uneditedswallowtail 177

horray1 the swallowtails are here for a bit.

day 97 july 31 2007028

day 97 july 31 2007028
Originally uploaded by GButterfly

day 96 july 30 pinwheel 2007050

july 30 pinwheel 2007050
Originally uploaded by GButterfly
more ordinayr time

day 95 July 29 2007 white moth 067

day 94 saturday landlocked sea composition DSC_1812

day 94 saturday market day DSC_1809

at the market...

93 day of 365 friday night ordinary DSC_1737

even the weekend can be ordinary too

day 92 thurs july 26 DSC_1735

day 92 thurs july 26 DSC_1735
Originally uploaded by GButterfly
and you thought yesterday was sad...
i bought a large metal trash can for my office clean up task....

day 91 wed july 25 ordinary time DSC_1728

this is all i've got today....

day 90 tues july 24 steeples DSC_1713

day 89 july 23 very close baby deerDSC_1696

love the deer...

88 zumba july 22 show them samba 014

87 sat zumba master beto on barIMG_0591

86 friday miss gay missouri and the bride _1532

85 thurs july 19 IMG_0588

84 thurs july 19 IMG_0588
Originally uploaded by GButterfly

day 82 mon july 16 little sparrow escapee DSC_1515

day 81 sun july 15 swallowtail dives for nectarDSC_1496

day 80 sat july 14 market model slant DSC_1464

someone else's model

Day 79 fri 13 july swallowtail open wings coneflower DSC_1416

day 78 Thrs July 12 goose lights

Thrs July 12 goose lights
Originally uploaded by GButterfly
some days photographically yeild mroe otpions than others...

jday 78 uly 12 hazy coneflower slant DSC_1375

78 july 12 oversat bird bath color pencil like DSC_1371

again took some photoshop liberties

77 july 11 wet web DSC_1368

july 11 wet web DSC_1368
Originally uploaded by GButterfly

day 75 july 10 tues boy w leaf umbrella DSC_1362

day 75 mon july 9 linda B dinner co-workers

Day 74 Sunday July 8 laughing white duck 012

funny duck

74 july 8 blue dragonfly close all rights reserved version

love dragonflies...first one of hte year.

day 73 7_7_7 veggie patch kid field of greens edit1

yeah so this one was even cuter. i did take some license iwth teh brackground

day 73 7_7_7 redheaded veggie selle crop rDSC_1240

so colorful he was quit ecute iwth his little red head helping the parents sell veggies

day 72 ...july 6 friday really rosie feremon player DSC_1226

I love this outfit. if i were young enough shapely enough brave enough i'd wear it.

72 July 6 begging in her ball gown

begging in her ball gown
Originally uploaded by GButterfly

day 71 july 5 baby bird eyebrows

july 5 baby bird eyebrows
Originally uploaded by GButterfly
check out the old man eyebrows on this guy.

day 70 wed july 4 shopping card composition of america SATURATED DSC_1184

Day 69 tues july 3 edul and paige walking with flash DSC_1181

day 68 mon july 2 last minute cleo looking photo DSC_1179

ordinary time

Day 67 project 365 sun july 1 like an old time postcard DSC_1169

photo editing liberties taken with color saturation

Daily Examen - things to consider each day

1. Express Gratitude 2. Petition for light (see self & ohters in God's eyes, ask to see the role only I can play) 3. Review the day: look at day's actions, omissions, thoughts & desires what does this tell me aobut myself in relation to self, others, God, the world 4. Lift out something & ask for help 5. look ahead - how do I want to carry on (today - the rest of my life what / who do I want to be master of my life? what are my core values? )