15 November 2009

201/365 open arms

201/365 open arms
Originally uploaded by spring_peeper
this is where we are at, still, after all of these years. last night i dreamt a co-worker was pregnant - although she is a friend and i shouild be happy for her it was a nightmare - becuase was pregnant finally first but I lost my baby so early in the first trimester. thank god it was a dream -i am not ready to deal with her pregnancy i know it is trying and it will probably happen before it happens for usi f it happens for us after all she is under 30 and i am turning 40 in another month. so here i am with emty arms. and we'll have to wait on another egg doner....

Daily Examen - things to consider each day

1. Express Gratitude 2. Petition for light (see self & ohters in God's eyes, ask to see the role only I can play) 3. Review the day: look at day's actions, omissions, thoughts & desires what does this tell me aobut myself in relation to self, others, God, the world 4. Lift out something & ask for help 5. look ahead - how do I want to carry on (today - the rest of my life what / who do I want to be master of my life? what are my core values? )