19 February 2007

jw art journal butterfly front

jw art journal butterfly front
Originally uploaded by GButterfly.
I love this idea - there are 30 arj journals made by differnt people they will be available during churh for folks to respond to the sermon in whatever way - doodle, draw, write, just take a few notes. I like this sort of engagement it is one of hte things I really love about this church. Good idea Leslie! Thanks for letting me (a non-professional) participate with all of you art and design folks. One more layer of decopage glue and back it goes.

I do hope this inspires me to do some ATCs. I was able to collect up some things to use in a relatively short (for me) time and acuatlly come up with a concept I like.

Daily Examen - things to consider each day

1. Express Gratitude 2. Petition for light (see self & ohters in God's eyes, ask to see the role only I can play) 3. Review the day: look at day's actions, omissions, thoughts & desires what does this tell me aobut myself in relation to self, others, God, the world 4. Lift out something & ask for help 5. look ahead - how do I want to carry on (today - the rest of my life what / who do I want to be master of my life? what are my core values? )