08 December 2007

gifts of color....

i'm wearing a wonderful shirt our friends brought back from guatamala a couple of years back - when we thought we would have a baby and I'd need well you know a special shirt to accomodate motherlly activities. not sure if we'll have a child that's young enough for that - but i still love the shirt and one day I'll be brave enough to wear it for more than a quick photo.

The quilt behind me also fabulous and bright - my MIL just sent to hubby and I for christmas - again - hwen there is a child in our life - this will go in his/her room - but for now I get to enjoy it. it is really beautiful and I feel so honored that she made it for us. incredibly honored.

knitting fairy 228 of 365

knitting fairy 228 of 365
Originally uploaded by GButterfly
trying to get back into knitting but distracted by the fairy wings


Originally uploaded by GButterfly
some days i think that i could be in her position some day still - especially after hearing her story -but in the meantime - it's been long enough that we're going to do the adoption thing - if both happened i would be so happy i could pee - since my "ideal" family includes 3 kids - and a bunch of furry critters....

06 December 2007

spring in the snow

spring in the snow
Originally uploaded by GButterfly
this is what hubby did with the fountain in front of the house - i like it - well he didn't add the snow - that came from above....i only captured the collaboration.

tonight we bought a car (much needed and not a minute too soon to drive in the snow) and ate some gnocci. yum!

05 December 2007

some people really like christmas

some people really like christmas..... taken wed dec 5

went to a meeting tonight that gave us hope - an adoption meeting. although we were the only couple there who do nto already have at least one child - there was family working on number 4 from korea (we are too old for korea's age limits) and a couple that was older than us - and she had her only birth child when she was my age -and after 3 years of trying.....i know not to carry false hopes - but it just gives me hope there will be a child or hopefully eventually 3 children in our home some way - whatever way that winds up being. HOPE - just when i thought there was none left in my heart

02 December 2007

noplace to go but in these doors

the hubby kindly drove me around to find another church to photograph on dec 2

Daily Examen - things to consider each day

1. Express Gratitude 2. Petition for light (see self & ohters in God's eyes, ask to see the role only I can play) 3. Review the day: look at day's actions, omissions, thoughts & desires what does this tell me aobut myself in relation to self, others, God, the world 4. Lift out something & ask for help 5. look ahead - how do I want to carry on (today - the rest of my life what / who do I want to be master of my life? what are my core values? )