strawberry guy
Originally uploaded by GButterfly.
I love the city market. good cheap vegetables, differnt people, and the strawberry guy. We call him the strawberry guy becuase the first time we went to the market he was calling out "strawberry strawberry strawberry" letting everyone know he had beautiful strawberries & he was ready to deal. I alwasy buy something from him due to his old world charm. He alsways says gratsi senora.
I've recently joined flicker - its becomming an addiction. Well, there is a group on there discussing what makes a good blog. I hadn't really thought about it but my blog isn't very good. It's all over the place. I don't really feel smart enough to share my political opions and I don't do enough knitting or other such creative pursuits to dedicate a blog just to one thing ... besides its representative of me and I am interested in many things - photography really is the thing that intersts me most right now.
So, here is one person from flicker's idea of what makes a good blog:
(Raphie Frank says:) "The question between what makes a good blog and what is necessary to grow a blog audience are two very different issues....A GOOD BLOG (in my opinion) involves some or all of the below variables, although different topics perhaps make some of the variables irrelevant.....1) Timeliness.......4) Actionable, useful information 5) Consistency of tone, look and feel........9) Frequent updates...And GOOD WRITING? You know it when you read it. Bad is bad and good is good...."
So there you have it. I don't really consider myself a good writer anymore. I did once, but I'm out of practice, and I've read more - so with more to compare I've fallen in rank in my own mind.
One poster suggested that many people read blogs and don't comment - something I'd never really considered - I don't imagine that many people read my blog - but just out of curiosity - if you read please post a comment - anything even just a hello. I'm just curious who does stumble accross it.